Room 17 Reporters                       

East meets West!
Our Visitors from Osaka, Japan

Article Written
Cindia and Emma

     We had an incredible time in Room 17 when nine Japanese college students from Osaka, Japan came to visit our class. We were so excited, we jumped up out of our seats like minnie jumping frogs! When they walked in our room, they gasped in surprise to see our Japanese scrolls hanging from the ceiling. We were also surprised when they walked in with their beautiful Japanese yukatas, or summer kimonos. They were so exquisite, it was if they had diamonds and emeralds with all the amazing colors and designs.

     First, the Japanese girls showed Room 17 two charts of Japanese greetings, and we had fun practicing the Japanese expressions together. It was fun to listen to them introduce themselves to us in English. Next, they read us a Japanese folktale they had written. It was cool and to hear and see their beautiful illustrations! The girls taught us a funny Japanese song, and we sang our Sadako for them. We had lots of questions for them to answer, such as, “Have you ever experienced an earthquake?” The Japanese snacks were delicious and nutritious! Everybody’s favorite thing was the origami like the piano, the box, and the ball. We were busy as bees in room 17. It was truly a magical time for all of us! But stay tuned, because you never know what’s going to happen next in Room 17!

Letter from the Archers

Dear Mrs. Pound and Friends in Room 17,

      Hello, how are you?  Konnichiwa.  I'm excited that you have only a little over a month before summer vacation.  I know that you have all been studying very hard.  Thank you so, so, so much for the wonderful books you gave to me, Tea With Milk and Grandfather's Journey.  I read them a couple times already and developed a heart connection with those books.  They described well what it means to live in different cultures.  When I read the line that says, "The moment that I am in one country, I am homesick for the other," I felt like crying because it exactly describes how I feel.  I'm glad to know that there are other people who have the same experience and I feel that I am not alone.  I'm glad that your school is helping many students to learn about many countries.  I think it is so wonderful to deepen one's understanding of life.  The students from Japan experienced another culture and their life experience deepened.  I am very happy to be connected with you and look forward to seeing you again.  I will treasure these two books and share them with other friends.  Domo Arigato Gozaimashita!

Sincerely from my heart,

Mika Archer