Room 17 Reporters                       

Georgia O'Keeffe

Our Georgia O'Keeffe Mother's Day Aprons

Georgia O'Keeffe
by Aariana

       The first stime we say Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings was when we were trying to get ideas for flowers for our Mother's Day aprons.  Then we saw her flowers and I thought the were the most beautiful paintings I'd ever seen.
When Georgia was twelve, she knew she wanted to be an artist when she grew up.  She love to paint flowers, seashells, and animal bones she found in the desert.  Georgia hardly ever painted a person or animals.  Sometimes she just painted shapes and colors.  She often painted things differently than they really were.
     When Georgia first began painting, everyone was impressed!  She started in New York City and she won many art awards in her life.   One of her first paintings was of a rabbit sitting next to a coppeer pot.  It was so good it looked as if it was a real photograph.  I think she  is truly a great artist!


Georgia O'Keeffe
by Hunter
Do you know about Georgia O'Keeffe?  Well she is the best flower painter in my artist's eye.  So let me introduce myself, my name is Hunter.  Georgia painted anemones, chrysanthemums, oriental poppies, and lots of other flowers.  She never painted human or animal faces.
She was born in Wisconsin in 1877.  She loved to paint flowers, mountains, seashells, and even animal bones she found in the desert.  But my favorite flower that she painted was a Red Canna.  So in conclusion, I think Georgia O'Keeffe is the best flower artitst around.


Georgia O'Keeffe
by Ella

     Who do you think of when you think of painters?  Leonardo DiVinci?   Vincent van Gogh?  Georgia O'Keeffe?   Well today we are going to tell you some interesting facts about Georgia O''Keeffe.  Georgia grew up on a farm with her family.  Once someone asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and Georgia answered, "A painter."  Later  Georgia wanted to teach art, so she moved to Texas and taught there. While she was in Texas, she had new things to paint.  She loved to paint animal skulls and clear blue skies.   A photographer named Alfred Stieglitz saw her paintings and really appreciated them.  He soon asked her to marry him.  She agreed and moved back to New York. A couple of years later,  some friends asked her to visit them in New Mexico.  Georgia loved to see the west again with so many new things to paint.  Georgia died at an old age in 1986.  I hope you learned a lot about Georgia O'Keeffe, just like we did.